Za izdelavo voščilnice sem uporabila:
- DS Aurora Wings- Daisy Elf
- Craft Concepts embosirno srajčko
- Spellbinders rezalni šabloni (robna in velika roža)
- rezalna šablona Marianne design za izdelavo rožic
- rezalni šabloni Nelie Snellen ( krog s katerim je irezana sličica in napis)
- Sizzix robna embosirna šablona (pod napisom)
- štampiljka iz kompleta Mavelu
- Distress ink
- Faber Castell svinčnik barvice
- potiskan papir, kamenčki in perlice iz domače zalogeSvoj izdelek bi rada prijavila na naslednje izzive:
Come and Get It: Distress it
613 Avenue Create: ATG/ Subway Art (choose ATG), TOP3
HIMCR#201: Freestyle
Simon Says Monday challenge: Thank you
Inspiration Destination: ATG
Sister Act Card:#108
Wags'n Whiskers : Seeing spots, #155
Pile It On: Focus on colouring
Live and love crafts: Ice cream (I love ice cream, especially vanilla. Car at the end of the collage associated me on the travelling towards the sea, where the ice cream is always my first choice.)
Frilly and funkie: Happy, happy, happy (Happy for all my visitors at my 1. blogawersary)