Zima je še v polnem zamahu zato mi je bila izdelava voščilnice z morskim motivom prava popestritev. Izdelana je bila s pomočjo sponzorskih digi štampiljk (MMedel illustrations), za nov izziv pri Creative Moments.
tema /theme: Karkoli /Anything goes
opcija /optional: pravljična bitja, pravljične zgodbe / Fairy tale, wonderful stories
MMedel illustrations: Sea elements
Izdelava voščilnice:
Tokrat sem se pozabavala z akvarelno tehniko saj se mi je zdelo, da bom tako najlaže upodobila vodo. Za dodaten učinek sem mokro barvo posula s soljo in dobila ozadje v različnih odtenkih. Nato sem v GIMP - u sestavila sceno s pomočjo digi štampiljk in jo natisnila na pobarvano ozadje. Nekaj sličic sem dodatno natisnila, jih pobarvala in izrezala s škarjami. S 3D penicami sem jih prilepila na podlago. Dodala sem bleščice da sem dobila teksturo morskega dna in korale. Še nekaj dodatkov kot so školjke, kamenčki, zračni mehurčki (Liquid pearls)in dodatni izrezi pa je bil moj pravljični podvodni svet nared za na voščilnico.
Ker ima tokratni izziv kar tri sponzorje, bodo tudi nagrajenci številčnejši. Splača se sodelovati. Lepo vabljeni in obilo zabave.

Dr. Digi's
Svoj izdelek bi rada prijavila na naslednje izzive:
- SSwednesday challenge: Make your own background
- TTCRD: Feb. 20th
- Penny's challenge: # 368, ATG
- ModSquad: Animal fun
- 2 crafty critter Crazies: # 11, ATG
- The Corrosive: #2, ATG
- Creative Aunts: Strips or dots
- StampSunchallenges: #199, ATG
- De Egel: # 52, februari challenge (3 fishes, 3 seaweed)
LMMS: #183, ATG
Ganz phantastisch!
OdgovoriIzbrišiDanke für deine Teilnahme bei der Stempelsonne.
LG Dreja
Aw, Marjeta, this is one super sweet, adorable scene. Your little fish look so happy in their beautiful habitat! So glad I got to see your critter project showcased at the 2 Crafty Critter Crazies Challenge. Thanks for supporting us, and we hope to see more of your pretty creations in the future. Please check back to see if you are a winner or our next guest designer. Sending you wishes for a wonderful day!
{Creative Smiles - my little crafting world}
Your card is totaly beautiful. I'm really happy about your participation in the "Stempelsonchallenge".
OdgovoriIzbrišiHugs Heidi
Wonderful! M Medel Illustrations is one of the prize sponsors this week, too, for PPCC blog's #368. Good luck. Thanks for sharing! Becca~DT
OdgovoriIzbrišiWow, this is so gorgeous!! I love the beautiful underwater scene you've created!! The design and details are fabulous!! Love this!! Have a great day!! Big hugs :)
A Mermaid's Crafts
LOVE this it is so gorgeous.x
OdgovoriIzbriši💖 [aNNie' blog]
A beautiful card Marjeta, you have created a wonderful underwater scene - so pretty.
OdgovoriIzbrišiPauline - Crafting with Cotnob
Awesome underwater scene. Thank you so much for playing along at the Mod Squad Challenge.
OdgovoriIzbrišifun card, so many wonderful details! I am so glad you played along with us at simon says stamp wednesday challenge!
OdgovoriIzbrišiblog-paperie blooms
sparkle & shine, kindness *~*
Wauw what a beautiful scene on your card. I love the stamps and colours you've used.
OdgovoriIzbrišiThank you for joining the challenge at De Egel.
Greetings Miranda (dt De Egel)
Great project! Thanks for paying along at Little Miss Muffet this week!
What a great little scene you have created!!
OdgovoriIzbrišiThanks for joining us at Penny's Paper Craft Challenge! Hope to see you back again soon :)
Wow Great!
OdgovoriIzbrišiThanks for joining us at the Creative Aunt Challenge.
Greetings Andrea