četrtek, 11. maj 2023


Prijateljica je dopolnila 60 let. Ker je po srcu glasbenica, sem želela narediti torto, povezano z glasbo. Ob iskanju idej, je v ospredje prišlo njeno igranje na orgle. Sledilo je iskanje po netu, kako naj bi orgle sploh zgledale. Po osnovni ideji sem se odpravila v trgovino iskat sestavine za piščali, saj jih nisem želela narediti iz fondanata. Tega sem uporabila le za to, da sem z njim ovila instrument in izdelala figuro organistke. Glede na to, da obvlada igranje na orgle, sem na instrument dodala še note pesmi Vse najboljše, ki sem jih pomanjšala in natisnila, da so proporci v redu. S končnim izdelkom sem prejemnico navdušila. Piko na I je dodal še en organist, ki je predajo torte in obvezno pesem Vse najboljše , pospremil z igranjem v tonaliteti orgel.

Svoj izdelek prijavljam na:
CRAFT: Happy Birthday
613 Avenue: May, TOP Rocker
APTTC: May, Honorable Mention Winner
De Egel: # 162, No DP + Music sheets, (Music sheet is on the pipe organ. There is a Happy Birthday song generated by PC)
Kreativetanten: Special Celebrations
Morgan'sArtworld: ATG, Special Mention Winner


11 komentarjev:

  1. Oh my goodness. What a lucky friend! This cake is amazing!
    Thank you so much for entering our birthday blog hop at CRAFT Challenge remember to add this card to each DT blog to be in with a chance of winning more prizes.
    Hugs Sheryl CRAFT DT xx

  2. A beautiful cake. Thanks for joining us for our Birthday Blog Hop at CRAFT Challenges. Kerry (DT)

  3. Just an amazing cake! So glad you joined us over at Morgan's ArtWorld. We hope to see you again.
    ~ Arlene CT

  4. A stunning cake
    Thank you for joining us at CRAFT Challenge Blog challenge. Birthday celebrations.
    Good luck Ginny DT for CRAFT Challenge Blog

  5. Oh my, WOW! What a great cake design and truly a labor of love. I know your friend loved it! Thanks for sharing your lovely project with us at the Jan's Digi Stamps Challenge.
    Donna xx

  6. Thanks so much for celebrating and sharing your wonderful creation with us over at CRAFT Challenge this week! I really appreciate your visit to my blog.

  7. Oh My Goodness!!! What an awesome cake :D You are not on my commenting list, but I saw your thumbnail and just had to take a closer look. Thank you for sharing with us at Crafting From the Heart XXX

  8. Amazing, Marjetina! I would be afraid to cut it. Thank you for sharing your confection with us at Jan's Digi Blog Challenge. Look forward to you joining us next challenge.
    (Owner & Illustrator of Jan's Digi Stamp Shop)

  9. Your cake is awesome! We were delighted to find this sitting on our front porch! Thanks for accepting our play date at 613 Avenue Create !
    Chana Malkah, Owner
    Redora Lee Designs , My Blog
    A Place to Start , Challenge Blog
    613 Avenue Create , Challenge Blog

  10. Wat een leuk en origineel tafereeltje is dit zeg! Dank je wel voor jouw creatie voor de uitdaging van de Egel. groet, Nelleke
