četrtek, 1. avgust 2024


Sestrična, ki je ljubiteljica konj, je ravnokar kupila prekrasnega konjiča. Želim ji veliko veselja ob jahanju.
Sličica tegale lepotca je iz zbirke Doortjes in je pobarvana s Promarkerji. Dodala sem le nekaj detaljev v ozadju z Distress blazinico. 
Z voščilnico kot gostja sodelujem v super izzivu Do-All(I)Kreatives, kjer je tema Western.
 Pridužite se nam!

 Izdelek prijavljam na: 
Creatalicious: Atg/Summer
Papercraft: Holiday time
Traumfabrik: ATG makes me happy
APTTC: Avgust,28.8.

4 komentarji:

  1. Gorgeous horse image and I am currently looking out over the beach with horses riding along so you have hit the ‘holiday time’ theme well! Thanks for playing along with Papercraft Challenges. X

  2. I think your title says it all this truly is a beauty that horse image is fantastic I love it Thank you for sharing with us over at Morgan's ArtWorld.
    ~ Lolo CT

  3. Such a wonderful card, Marjeta. I love horses too, to me they are the most magical and majestic creatures on earth. Thank you so much for playing along with our Dream Factory challenge. Rosi x

  4. Absolutely beautiful horse and your coloring <3

    Thank you for joining us at the Crafts Galore Encore Challenge.
    ~ DT Dagmara
