Rojstvo otroka je vedno nepozaben dogodek. Spodobi se, da se novorojenčku izreče dobrodošlica.
Za izdelavo voščilnice sem uporabila Lawn Favn DP in rezalni šabloni LF in Najlepši par. Napis je natisnjen s pomočjo računalnika.
Izdelek prijavljam na:
Knutsels en Kadootjes: Real post is more fun, 28.2.
The Neglected Stuf Challenge: #1 ( I haven't use letter die cut probably more than 4 years, I haven't used wings at all in 5years ), 28.2.
PIP: 2508, 2.3.
Alphabeth Challenge: W for Wings6.3.
Snnipets Playground: # 500 ( I used scraps fo everything that you see inside the card.), 1.3.
Najlepši par: Februar, 1.3.
A lovely card to welcome the new baby.
OdgovoriIzbrišiThanks for coming to play in the Snippets Playground. See you at the treehouse party shortly. x