Našo lepo deželo je zajel vročinski val. Temperature so se dvignile preko 30 °C. Tako se zdi tema tokratnega izziva pri Creative Moment prav dobrodošla. In sicer ...tema je...Božič v juliju.
Polkadoodle: Winnie Winterland
Seveda zmagovalci tudi tokrat ne bodo ostali brez nagrad. Sponzorja tokratnega izziva sta:

lepo vabljeni, da se nam pridružite !
Za izdelavo voščilnice sem uporabila:
- Winnie Winterland digi štampiljko (Polkadoodle)
- Inspired by stamping - štampiljka za ozadje
- Mavelu štampiljka (napis)
- plastično šablono (ozadje)
- Prismacolor barvice
- Distress barve
- rezalne šablone (Whimsy, Najlepši par, La La land, UCD)
- Papermania DP
- nekaj kristalčkov in dekorativni trak.
Svoj izdelek bi rada prijavila na naslednje izzive:
The sketchy challenge: # 123, Bingo (sentiment, image, die)
The ribbon girl: Card challenge
Stamping sensations: Anything with flowers
Deep ocean: #159, Chrismas in July
Creative inspirations: #279, ATG,29.8.
Noor design: Use die cuts
Dies R us: Layers
Kort'o'mania: Anything goes
Inky chicks: #85, Christmas
Merry monday Challenge:2 nd anual Christmas in summer
Kort'o'mania: Anything goes
Inky chicks: #85, Christmas
Merry monday Challenge:2 nd anual Christmas in summer
Ja, tudi na ta način se da malce ohladit. Lepo si naredila.
OdgovoriIzbrišiSuch a fun step card with wonderful layers. Thanks for sharing with us at Dies R Us Challenge Blog. We hope you will join us in future challenges.
WOW what a fabulous design! Thanks so much for playing in our ‘Layers’ challenge at Dies R Us! Please come back again soon!
OdgovoriIzbrišiDarlene (DRU Blog Leader)
DAR’S CRAFTY CREATIONS Please come for a visit.
Absolutely adorable, so cute and pretty!! Thank you for joining our challenge at Dies R Us!
OdgovoriIzbrišiDiane DRU DT {Nellies Nest}
This is beautiful Marjeta, love how you've coloured the sweet image, your L/O and design are gorgeous!
Zdravo, bila sem navdušena, da ste osvojili sladkarije iz vrtnice. Vendar mi niste poslali e-pošte z uporabo povezave, ki je bila objavljena na poštni nabiralec zmagovalcev. Zato vam ne morem objaviti nagrade. Potrebujem vaše polno ime in naslov, da objavljate svoje predmete. Če mi jih ne pošljete, bom moral izbrati še enega zmagovalca.
OdgovoriIzbrišiHvala Kate xx
Thanks for let me know. I sent you the data as soon as I saw that I was awarded the prize. (than, sent you once again when I received your friendly massage). OK, I am trying to sent my address to your mail right now. Hope you will get it. Seems I have a problem with it...
IzbrišiGreetings, Marjeta
A really super creation for our July Flowers theme, many thanks for joining us at Stamping Sensations challenge.
OdgovoriIzbrišiB x
A sweet creation! Thanks for joining us at stamping sensations this month for our flower theme!
OdgovoriIzbrišiAaaaaaaaaaa this is soooo adorable!! Great image and YAY to starting your winter/xmas cards early. I sooo want to do that. LOL! Thanks for joining us this month at Noor! Design UK's DIE CUTS challenge. Hope to see you back! Hugs!
OdgovoriIzbrišiLovely creation. Thanks for joining us at creative inspirations this month.