petek, 15. oktober 2021

Med prijatelji

 Čas hitro teče, vsi se staramo. A prijateljstva ostanejo. Želim si, da bi se še dolgo družili. Voščilnico sem izdela za prijateljico, ki je pred kratkim praznovala 60 let. Ker mi voščilnice takrat ni uspelo poslati, sem jo poslala s 60 dnevnim zamikom. Upam, da ji bo všeč. 

Uporabnila sem Angie Blom digi štampiljko in jo pobarvala s Prismacolor barvicami. Ker se nisem mogla odločiti katera štampiljka mi je ljubša, sem se odločila za  Double Slider Card dizajn kartice in tako  uporabila več sličic. Angie sponzorira tokratni izziv pri Colour Crazy. Zato le pogumno barvice v roke in se nam pridružite s svojim novim izdelkom.

Hello dear Crafters! I want to show you my new card, which I create with Angie Blom digital stamps. I colored Giraffes with Prismacolor pencils and used Double Slider Card design for the base. The dies I used are from Spellbinders and Love 2 Craft collection.

Svoj izdelek bi rada prijavila na naslednje izzive:
-Crafty Creation: ATG, Oct.
- The Sisterhood of Crafters: Happy Birthday
- WordArtWednesday: #513 - 514, ATG
- TheCardConcept: # 161, Inspirational photo (I was inspired with colors)
- TTCRD:  Wk 12th Oct, ATG
- Ally'sAngels: #51, ATG
- Crafts and Gifts: More folding
- Stamping Sensation: October - Animals
- PIP: 2141

13 komentarjev:

  1. A super card Marjeta, fabulous stamps and brilliant design - I just love your fun Giraffes and great sentiment.
    Pauline - Crafting with Cotnob

  2. Those Giraffes really are such fun, many thanks for joining in with our October Animals theme at Stamping Sensations challenge.

    B x

  3. Oh, this is so sweet Thanks for entering your card at Penny's Paper crafty challenge
    Oh, wat een leuke kaart. Leuk dat je meedoet met onze challenge bij Penny's Paper crafty challenge
    DT Penny's Paper crafty challenge

  4. So cute. I love the giraffes and your coloring is amazing. Thanks for sharing with us at PIP Challenges.

  5. This is so cute and fabulous pencil coloring!
    Thank you so much for sharing with us at Stamping Sensations!

  6. This is so pretty and surprising. You did a great job!
    Lia DT TSOC

  7. A hilarious and very surprisng card!
    Lia DT TSOC

  8. This is such a fun card! Who knew giraffes could be this funny!? Thank you for playing along in our challenge. Hugs, Kinjal - DT

  9. What a funny card with the nice giraffe on it.. Nice model that you can slide out. Thank you for joining K&K. Greetings Ingrid.

  10. What a fun, fun card! Such a great card!!! Thanks for joining us at The Card Concept!

  11. OMG I just love these giraffe! Too cute! Thanks so much for joining in the fun at our Sisterhood of Crafters challenge! Good Luck and we hope you’ll come back often.

    Please stop in for a visit!

  12. Superleuke kaart net meer dan 1 vouw.
    Bedankt voor je deelname bij Knutsels&Kadootjes.

    Groetjes Nelly (DT K&K)

  13. A fabulous card, love the design with those fun giraffe.
    Thanks for sharing with us at Stamping Sensations.
    Avril x
