Praznovanje okrogle obletnice je prilika za pravo zabavo. Tudi Rosana, ki je strastna tekačica jo je pripravila za svoje sorodnike in prijatelje. Ne vem sicer ali je na zabavo pritekla ali ne, vem pa, da je bilo živahno in veselo.

Zelo rada izdelujem personalizirane voščilnice in tudi tokrat sem poskusila na njej zajeti hobije slavljenke. Nadvse rada je v naravi, teče in se ukvarja s psom.
Ob njenem jubileju ji tudi jaz želim vse najboljše.
Svoj izdelek prijavljam na:
Snippets Playground: # 471, Celebration . My whole card is embellished (grass, flower, baner, number...) with snippets.
Allsort: January (I was inspired by nature and outdor activity: sport, playing with the dog)
Crafty Calendar: #January
Creative Creases: # 73, Fun fold, TOP 3
Creative Fingers: # 268
CIU: #294
CRAFT: # 703
The Paper Funday: Let's Celebrate
A lovely shaped card for a special birthday - nicely personalised.
OdgovoriIzbrišiThanks for entering a piece of homework to the Snippets Playground. See you up in the treehouse for the celebrations. xxx
Great card, what a fun design. Thank you for joining in the Crafty Calendar Challenge this month. xx
OdgovoriIzbrišiSo colourful and what a great shape, thanks so much for sharing with us at Allsorts challenge this week.
OdgovoriIzbrišiB x
Oh, I love this step card! Perfectly done for a runner!! Thank you for playing with the Creative Creases Challenge, and I hope you can join us again soon. We really appreciate your support!
OdgovoriIzbrišiDebbie, DT
Secrets To Stamping
Wow! So much fun. Thank you for joining our Cut it Up "Anything Goes" challenge.
Larelyn (CIU owner)
What a great card - I love that it's SO personalised too!
Di xx
Zelo lepo.
OdgovoriIzbrišiThis is a lovely card.
OdgovoriIzbrišiThank you so much for entering our challenge this week at CRAFT Challenge, looking forward to see you again next challenge.
Hugs Sheryl xx CRAFT DT
Ahhh this is super, what a great card for the 60th birthday. Thanks for joining in over on Creative Creases this fortnight, Hazel (Guest Designer)
OdgovoriIzbrišiZelo razgibana in lepa voščilnica. Lp
OdgovoriIzbrišiMarjetina, this card is adorable! Thank you AND Congratulations on your entry in the Creative Creases Challenge. Hope to see you again soon.
OdgovoriIzbrišiRae in Reno, DT