sreda, 19. junij 2024

Nasmehni se!

Odynetika, ki sponzorira izziv pri  Penny Papercraft me je navdušila s sličico fotografinje. Pobarvala sem jo s Promarkerji in detajle dodala s suhimi barvicami. Za ozadje sem uporabila star foto papir in DP, ki sem ga kupila v trgovini Tedi. Sličico sem izrezala s škarjami in ji dodala nekaj izrezov, narejenih z rezalnimi šablonami Deco Time. 

Vabljeni, da se udeležite izziva in se potegujete za lepe nagrade sponzorjev:

Izdelek prijavljam na: 
EverybodyArt: Last purchase (film - diecut)


3 komentarji:

  1. Such a cute picture! And the film negative die cut is perfect. Great colors with this pink and gray color scheme and wonderful coloring. The stars fit the scene so beautifully. To me it looks like an advert from an old movie. So beautiful!
    Thank you so much for sharing this great card with the latest Everybody Art Challenge.
    Hugs Uschi

  2. Great card - love the colours you have used. Perfect for the film-strip and stars! Thanks for sharing with us at Pattie's Creations this month - Vic, D.T X

  3. Hi Marjeta, a beautiful card and love the colours and layout, thank you for joining us at Lil Patch of Crafty Friends, good luck in the prize draw... Megan DT LPoCF
