sreda, 14. avgust 2024

Staro in novo

Na voščilnici, ki sem jo izdelala za tokratni izziv pri Penny's Papercraft, najdete povsem novo digi štampiljko in zelo staro reliefno mapico, s katero sem okrasila rob voščilnice. Tako sem izpolnila zaobljubo, da bom pobrskala med svojimi skoraj pozabljenimi pripomočki in jih ponovno uporabila.
Sličico sem za sodelovanje v izzivu dobila od Alex.

Alex Syberia je tudi eden od sponzorjev tokratnega izziva. Vabljeni v družbo!

Izdelek prijavljam na:
Crafty Gals Corner: ATG/ Embossing folder
APTTC: Avgust, 1.9.
TripleB: Blooms
Allsort: WK 793/794
Inspiration Station: #64 ( I was inspired by colors)
Kreativtanten: ATG, 1.9.
Stamping Sensation: Summer in the garden


13 komentarjev:

  1. Very pretty, thank you for joining us at Allsorts challenge.

    B x

  2. Thanks for sharing at Stamping Sensations as well.

    B x

  3. Beautiful creation I love the image also the wonderful colours and the design thank you for joining us at Allsorts
    lolo x

  4. Such a pretty card, I love the fancy panel going down the side. Thank you for joining in the Allsorts Challenge this week.
    Liz xx

  5. Wow a lovely card.
    Thank you for joining us at Carlin's Kaartenparadijs.
    Good Luck !
    Carla (DT)

  6. Thank you for joining Stamping Sensations challenge. Anesha

  7. Beautiful card, thanks for joining Stamping Sensations challnge. Anesha

  8. An absolutely gorgeous floral image and I love the color palette. Great coloring too, Thanks for joining us at The Inspiration Station and Beautiful Blossoms Challenges.
    We look forward to seeing more of your lovely designs soon.
    Donna xx
    Inspiration Station Challenge
    Paper Funday Challenges
    Beautiful Blossoms Challenges

  9. So pretty! Great colours and layout.

    Thanks for joining us at Stamping Sensations.

    Helen x

  10. A Thank you for joining our challenge at Beautiful Blossoms and Triple B!
    Diane BB DT and TB Co-Owner
    {Nellies Nest}
    {Beautiful Blossoms}
    NEW {Love Those Pretty Papers}gorgeous floral card, beautifully designed!

  11. Pretty colours and I love that panel on the right hand side. Thanks for playing along with us at Inspiration Station

  12. Beautiful card. Love the flowers and your colouring. Great design. Thank you for joining us at Crafty Gals Corner this month. Hope to see your lovely art work back here again soon. Judy DT

  13. OH how pretty ... love this! Orange is a color I rarely use but you've sure used it beautifully! Thanks so much for joining in the fun at Beautiful Blossoms! Good Luck and we hope you’ll come back often. We appreciate your support!

    BB DT
