petek, 3. maj 2024

Gostovanje pri Creative Artist

 Tokrat sem se podala v nove vode. V goste sem bila povabljena pri Creative Artist. Moram priznati, da  sem  sprva imela pomisleke, a sem se na koncu odločila za sodelovanje. Za voščilnico, ki je pred vami sem potrebovala kar nekaj časa, saj s tehniko mixed-media nimam nobenih izkušenj. Začela sem z odtisi in nato z nanašanjem teksturne paste. Nato sem 2x odtisnila cvet maka (Kaiser Craft) in ga nekoliko osenčila. Na cvet sem dodala še liquid pearls in nekoliko zlate obrobe. Napis je izrezan s šablono Najlepši par. Za zaključek sem voščilnico ozaljšala še z lesenima listoma in polperlo. 

Voščilnica še zdaleč ni popolna, a naučila sem se osnov nove tehnike, ki pa jo bo treba seveda še izpiliti. Drugič bo boljše.😊

Svoj izdelek prijavljam na:
MOAWT: # 166, Flowers
Fab'nFunky: Embossing
The Paper Funday: ATG/ Flower Shoppe

10 komentarjev:

  1. I really love how you have embraced a new journey into mixed media what a pretty piece this is. Love how you used craft card for your flower design a pretty colour combination against the turquoise. Your leafy embellishments are a wonderful addition. Thank you so much for being May's Guest Designer @ Creative Artiste.
    Wishing you a Happy Crafty month Tracey (DT)

  2. I would consider this a successful experiment with mixed media, Marjeta! :-) Love all the delicate touches of multiple mediums and embellishments in your card. Congratulations for being our guest designer this month, and thank you for sharing this beautiful card with us. Hope you enjoy your future mixed media sessions too! xo

  3. Such a pretty card - love those colours - thank you for being our Guest Designer this month at Creative Artiste Mixed Media

  4. Stunning card. I love the colours, textures and design. Thank you for being our Guest designer this month at Creative Artiste. Judy DT

  5. A wonderful card Marjeta. The pretty poppies are lovely against the fabulous textured background.
    Thank you for being our Guest Designer at Creative Artiste this month xx

  6. You did very well for being a beginner to mixed media and kudos for you for trying something new! Thanks for joining us at The Paper Funday Challenge this month!!!

  7. Such a beautiful make! I love your colour combination and you created the flowers so beautifully 😊. Thanks so much for joining us as Guest Designer at Creative Artiste and for the amazing inspiration ❤️. Apologies for my lateness, we only returned from holiday over the weekend. Happy wishes! Hugs, Jo x

  8. Thank you for joining in our challenge this month with your wonderful project!
    DT – Val, Nan, Leigh, Cat

  9. Hi Marjetina,
    what a very beautiful card and a super design also.
    Love the flowers.
    Thank you for joining the MAWTT Challe3nge.
    Lots of crafty love. Jenny L. DT

  10. Beautiful - love the colours you've used.

    Thanks for joining us at the Creative Fingers Challenge.

    Helen x
