torek, 25. junij 2024


Za gostovanje pri KleurenMetPotloden sem prejela sličico simpatične vilinke. Pobarvala sem jo s Prismacolor barvicami. Z uporabo različnih rezalnih šablon Marianne Design, Najlepši par, pavs papirja (temno modro ozadje), ostankov DP in reliefne mapice (Craft Concepts), sem do kraja oblikovala voščilnico.

Izdelek prijavljam na:

Lil Patch de Crafty Friends : #232-The Paper Shelter -  Anything Goes
Morgan's ArtWorld : Challenge #77 - Anything Goes
SheepSki Designs Blog Challenge : Ch. #87 - Anything Goes
Through the Purple Haze : Challenge #216 - Anything Goes. 15/07
Dream Valley Challenges : Ch. #318 - Summer Colors
Ellibelle's Crafty Wednesday : June/ July Challenge - Anything Goes
Gem of a Challenge : Week 12 - Anything Goes
Pammie's Inky Pinkies Challenges : Ch.  #2425 - Anything Goes
Polkadoodles : Week 25 - Anything Goes
SnippetsPlayground: # 483 (everything on this card is a snippet: DP and yellow background are leftovers, little peaces of paper were used for flower and, sentiment


5 komentarjev:

  1. A lovely bright and colourful card.
    Thanks for entering a piece of homework to the Snippets Playground. See you up in the treehouse later. x

  2. Great card. Thank you for joining the Polkadoodles challenge this week. Good luck with your entry.

    Crafty Hugs, Renske Polkadoodles DT

  3. Such a great magical card, beautifully created!
    Thank you so much for sharing at my Crafty Wednesday June/July challenge!
    Ellibelle's Corner

  4. Brilliant card - lots of snippets used and wonderful colouring too!

    Di xx
