Kljub temu, da je že januar, se zima pri nas nikakor noče prikazati. Okoli hiše cvetijo marjetice, le vrhovi okoliških hribov, se lahko pohvalijo z nekaj belimi zaplatami. Vsem ljubiteljem smučanja želim, da si poiščejo svojo belo preprogo, in uživajo na njej v največji možni meri. Sama sem za svoje prve zavoje na snegu izbrala Flachau. Bilo je zelo lepo.
Z voščilnico vas vabim k sodelovanju v izzivu pri Creative Moments. Upoštevala sem svojo zaobljubo in poskusila uporabiti vsaj nekaj papirčkov iz zaloge in uporabiti štampiljko, ki že dolgo sameva.
Za izdelavo voščilnice sem uporabila: Sizzix reliefno mapico, Memory Box rezalno šablono in Rayher štampiljko. Tudi zvezdice so že dolgo v moji zalogi.
Tema izziva: Winter Blues/ ATG
Izdelek prijavljam na:
Creative fingers: # 292
CraftyGalsCorner: Snow- man
ChristmasKickstart: Bring the boubles
DoAl (I) Kreative: # 97, ATG, 1.2.
LTTCB: 84, 15.2.
Peaceon Earth: #79
Tudi jaz se trudim čimbolj izprazniti škatlo z ostanki papirčkov, pa mi nekako ne uspeva najbolje ;). Lepo voščilnico si naredila.
OdgovoriIzbrišiI see pretty baubles! Thanks for joining Julia and me at the Christmas Kickstart Challenge, Jo x
OdgovoriIzbrišiWhat a fabulous creation! Thanks so much for joining in the fun at our Peace on Earth challenge! Good Luck and we hope you’ll come back often.
Peace on Earth Co-Owner
PS: Have you seen we have another new challenge beginning Feb 3rd called NEGLECTED STUFF? Please come check it out!
OdgovoriIzbrišiBeautiful design Thanks for sharing over at Peace on Earth Christmas and hope to see you in future challenges.
Elaine DT
KraftiKards (my blog)
613 Avenue Create DT
Peace on Earth Christmas DT
Simply Clean and Simple DT
A nice card and I love the snowman. Thank you for joining the Do-Al(l) Kreatives challenge.
OdgovoriIzbrišiCaroline - DT
Much of the USA is in a deep freeze, this is the year for it! Your wintery card is lovely, Thanks for joining us and sharing your card at The Paper Funday Challenge.
OdgovoriIzbrišiDonna xx
The Paper Funday Challenges
The Beautiful Blossoms Challenge
The Inspiration Station Challenge
Nicely done great job, and thanks for playing our challenge at Love to Craft Challenge. Have a great day! Leanne DT Member/LTCC
OdgovoriIzbrišiWhat a pretty design, Marjeta, with the embossed snowman on the green DP and the pretty blue check with the baubles! Thank you for sharing with Jo and me at Christmas Kickstart! Julia xx
OdgovoriIzbrišiVery unique design. I love it. Thank you for joining the challenge at Crafty Gals Corner.