Ob 5. obletnici obstoja Vesele hiške, sem želela sodelovati z nečem posebnim. Zato sem izbrala album, ki sem ga za 50 - ti rojstni dan izdelala za prijatelja. Uporabila sem številne dizajne, ki pa jih vse povezuje ljubezen do gora. Vlado se je namreč v ˝Abrahamovem˝ letu povzpel kar na 50 dvatisočakov. Kar na nekaj teh vrhov, sem se povzpela z njim.
V albumu boste lahko videli uporabo različnih štampiljk, tako fizičnih (Marianne Design, Urban stamps, Folio) kot digitalnih. Uporabila sem številne rezalne šablone (Sizix, Spellbinders, Memory box...), robni luknjač, razne trake in tudi teksturno pasto in Chipboard˝. Našli boste tudi nekaj suhih cvetic (iz vrta) s katerimi sem poskusila dopolniti vtis po visokogorju. Celotno zgodbo pa povezuje Knafeljčeva markacija, ki jo najdete tudi na vložnih listih, kamor bo prejemnik lahko dodal še nekaj slik.
Še nekaj detajlov iz albuma

What a lovely little album! Thanks for joining us at Die Cut Divas!
OdgovoriIzbrišiWOW! What a lucky guy to get a journaling album to record and keep bits connected to hikes in the mountains! That's a huge project, lots of work and details! Most of my trail walks/hikes were only 1-3 miles long that I've done. Those that do the more rigorous climbing hikes need to be commended; given awards/medals! Thanks for sharing this outdoor rural activity project at FQGS! -- Becca
OdgovoriIzbrišiAn amazing project perfect for using up snippets.
OdgovoriIzbrišiThanks for coming to play in the Snippets Playground. See you up in the treehouse shortly. X
You've created a real fun Winter album, thanks so much for joining us at Allsorts challenge. I appreciate you have used a lot of products but you do need to name at lest the main ones to be eligible for our challenge.
OdgovoriIzbrišiB x
Tukaj pa je bilo vloženega kar nekaj dela. Album je prečudovit in darilo, ki je neprecenljivo. Moj poklon <3
OdgovoriIzbrišiWow beautiful creation! Thanks for sharing at KIC
OdgovoriIzbrišiElly DT
vau, tole je pa mojstrovina, kakšni detajli!
OdgovoriIzbrišiin še takšen super video z glasbo!
mojstrica na vseh področjih.
It's a fantastic project and a great way to use up lots of your snippets. It must have taken a long time to create, but also a lot of fun.
OdgovoriIzbrišiThanks for coming to play in the Snippets Playground. See you up in the treehouse shortly. x
Beautiful album - what a great thing to make for your friend. What did you use that was new to you? Any particular die or digital or physical thing? We are glad that you shared with us this month, but if you could put what you used that was new next to our blog name on your list, that would be great.
OdgovoriIzbrišiu koliko detajlov in prekrasen spomin. Hvala, ker sodeluješ s to mojstrovino tudi v Veseli hiški.
OdgovoriIzbrišiIt must be a very very good friend! You've made something marvelous! I guess he was very impressed by your work/present for him.
OdgovoriIzbrišiThank you so much for joining us at Knutsels en Kadootjes en De Egel.
Wat is dit mooi gemaakt! Fijn jou deelname aan de mannenkaartchallenge van de Egel. Groetjes, Nelleke
OdgovoriIzbrišiWow - this really is stunning! A beautiful project - and perfect for using up snippets of course.
Di xx
Wow, what a great album! You've created a lovely keepsake. Thanks for joining us and sharing your card at The Paper Funday Challenge.
OdgovoriIzbrišiDonna xx
The Paper Funday Challenges
The Beautiful Blossoms Challenge
The Inspiration Station Challenge
Ohh woww super stunning, you've made this very beautiful :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiThank you for participating challenge 196 !
Hugs Erica
To pa je prava mojstrovina. Bravo! Hvala, da si se pridružila našemu izzivu v Veseli hiški. Valerija DT