sobota, 13. julij 2024


Tokrat sem se podala na morje z jadrnico, le da je ta plula po sladkem oblivu. Za kolega, ki je navdušen jadralec sem izdelala torto, ki jo vidite na sliki. Razen jadra in vrvice na ograji ladje , je vse užitno. Sama izdelava torte mi je vzela kar nekaj časa, a s končnim izdelkom sem bila zadovoljna. Da pa se nisem povsem izognila papirčkanju, sem jadro okrasila s štampiljko in izrezom Najlepšega para.

Izdelek prijavljam na:
Outlawz Challenge: Card free zone
AYLI: Favorite Non-card project (I love making cakes for my friend. As my second love (besides papercrafting) is backing, that is not a problem), TOP 3

DoubleD: Nautical
APlace to start: July, Rising Star
SSSMonday: Summer fun
Inspiration Station: #63 ( I was inspired with the summer activitis, sea,,)
DeEgel: Somer bingo ( dolfin, see, boat), 4.8.
Crafts&Gifts: Going on Holiday, taking with me... (friend)
SnippetsPlayground: # 484 (Paper snippets: flag, sentiment; ˝snippets˝ from backing residous: all the elements  for embellishing the seiling boat)
Vesela hiška: P (počitnice, potovanje, plovba, posadka...)


18 komentarjev:

  1. WOW WOW WOW - that's probably the most creative use of snippets we've seen for a long time! What an amazing cake you've made. Love that you used paper snippets on it too.

    Thanks for entering a piece of homework to the Snippets Playground. See you up in the treehouse later. xxx

  2. Uffffffff, tole pa videti fantastično!!!! bravo za izdelavo dekoracije!!!!

  3. Wow, this is amazing! This cake is a beautiful piece of artwork. I love how you embellished it. Thanks so much for sharing at the Double D, Nautical Challenge.

  4. The details of your cake are fabulous, Marjeta! I'm sure your friend will love this.

  5. vau, tole pa je nekaj posebnega ...

  6. Very nice! Thanks so much for sharing this intriquing project with us at A Place to Start!
    Chana Malkah, Owner

  7. Wowser - that is some cake and sailing boat - AND you also used snippets. Lovely work indeed!

    Di xx

  8. Wow, what a gorgeous cake and such a clever style! Thanks for sharing your fabulous card with us at The Inspiration Station Challenge. We look forward to seeing more of your creative designs soon.
    Donna xx
    Inspiration Station Challenge
    Paper Funday Challenge
    Beautiful Blossoms Challenge

  9. What a wonderful cake for your friend. Thank you for entering it in our AYLI challenge this week. Lynne DT

  10. Wat mooi om voor de jarige en zielschip op de taart te maken. Mooie creatie. Bedankt dat je meedoet bij K&K. Groetjes Ingrid.

  11. Wow, this must have been delicious. So perfectly done.
    Thnaks for sharing it at de Egel.

  12. That is an incredible cake. Thank you so much for sharing at AYLI. Sarah

  13. what a great project!! make sure to enter it in the specific card free zone too, else the main entry does not count.

  14. Kako čudovita torta, pa še papirčkanje si vključila. Domiselno. Hvala, da si se pridružila našemu izzivu v Veseli hiški. Valerija DT

  15. Wat een leuke kaart heb je gemaakt voor de Bingo challenge van de Egel. Dank je wel voor het meedoen. Groetjes, Nelleke
