četrtek, 4. julij 2024

V disku

Poletje spremlja dobra glasba in zabava. Upam, da se imate lepo, kot dekle na tej sliki. Pobarvala sem jo s Promarkerji in osenčila z Distress blazinico.

Pri izdelavi interaktivne voščilnice sem uporabila številne rezalne šablone: Spellbinders, Najlepši par, Tatered Lace, Deco Time...

Za osnovo sem izbrala bleščeč srebrn papir in se odločila za srebrno - roza kombinacijo. DP je iz trgovine TEDI.

Izdelek prijavljam na:
Crafty GalsCorner: Fancy folds
I love Promarkers: Pink, blue, yellow
SSS Wednesday: Stars/Stripes
Paperminutes: More than one fold
APTTC: July, 28.8.
DieCutDivas: Add glitter (sparkly paper and stars)
PIP: 2426


5 komentarjev:

  1. the girl dancing is beautiful, the color is perfect and the lights you inserted are a beautiful detail, the surprise interior is also very nice. Thank you for joining Creations in Pink Taty x DT

  2. Wow, was für eine wunderschöne Karte hast du gemacht. Sie gefällt mir richtig gut. Danke, dass du sie bei Paperminutes zeigst.
    LG Christina

  3. Hello there, that is a wonderful digi coloured so well and a really stunning card. Thanks for joining in with my use a die challenge at Passion for Markers this week, Sarah - DT.

  4. Great card and adding the stage lights really sets off the card. The girl is lovely. So glad you joined us at Die Cut Divas for our glitter challenge.

  5. A fabulous card. Lovely design and colouring.
    Thank you for joining in with the Crafts Galore Encore July Challenge “Anything Goes”. Good luck! x
